

As our 2021 CIS accreditation report noted “The school is characterised by critical engagement with the world, academic excellence, an inclusive learning environment as well as personal and social well-being….ICHK is a vibrant, innovative, and inclusive school with a commitment to outdoor education and well-being.”

Our curriculum is carefully designed to ensure that every student is supported to flourish, academically, socially, emotionally and physically.

As an accredited IB Primary Years Programme (PYP) school since 2010 we follow the PYP framework. More information about the PYP can be found here

The units studied by students each year can be viewed here

Curriculum Guides for each Year Group clearly define what learning will be taking place and can be viewed here

Learning Outcomes for each Year Group are clearly defined and can be viewed here

The physical location and resources of the school provide unique opportunities for outdoor learning. We are proud to be Hong Kong’s first Forest Schools Leadership Centre in recognition of being a world leading site for Forest School education.

We are a Bilingual and Multilingual Learners ( BML) Smart School in recognition of the fact that all staff are trained and certified by The Centre for Educators of BMLs to ensure that best practises in teaching BML students is available for all our students.

Students receive one period of Chinese (Mandarin) a day. Traditional characters are used in teaching Chinese.