Join our Community

Join our Community

Visitors to ICHK HLY are continually struck by the strength and quality of our community.

We are one of the few IB schools in Hong Kong to offer students the opportunity to study from Kindergarten to Secondary and, in the process, develop strong personal relationships with each other and their teachers that will last a lifetime.

Dedicated staff at our two campuses work closely together in partnership, sharing expertise and knowledge. Our joined-up curriculum and collaborative approach to learning ensures a seamless transition from primary to secondary.

Our student body is diverse and includes individuals with many unique gifts and talents, but also those with challenges. We are proud that our community is a microcosm of the wider world, giving our students genuine insight to the many profiles that people bring to their lives. We are proud, too, that our curriculum equips our students with a better understanding of who they are and what they might become.

More than anything, we value each other as unique individuals, deserving of a place in which to grow, flourish and thrive.