Kindergarten Program Details
The aim of our Kindergarten programme is to empower each child to be creative, confident, caring, resilient and respectful. We design a range of learning experiences to develop our children to be happy, curious, unique and brave explorers.
We utilise the International Baccalaureate’s Primary Years Programme to develop an emergent curriculum. We use the interests, passions and abilities of our children to set learning goals and to develop a range of thinking, social, communication, self-management and research skills.
Play is our central approach to learning. It is essential for whole child development. It is how children learn, discover and manipulate the world around them. Play is purposeful and intentional. It is a careful balance of child-initiated and adult-supported learning experiences. Children are given time to learn and practice skills through direct instruction so their play becomes more complex and nuanced.
We have a range of educators in our Kindergarten who enrich the programme. Our children are immersed in Chinese (Mandarin) each day through stories, songs and games. They are given opportunities to explore their creative talents through specialist music and visual arts lessons.
Kindergarten Admission
Look at ICHK HLY At A Glance or use the links below to start the kindergarten admission process: https://gibbon.ichkhly.edu.hk/?q=/modules/Students/applicationForm.php
Please contact us directly to obtain more information or email Shirley Lam at admissions@ichkhly.edu.hk
More Info adout International Kindergarten Admission
We have a strong outdoor education programme. Our children are provided with regular opportunities to learn outside. We choose colours, materials and living things in our classrooms to reflect the outdoors. We support our children in learning about sustainable choices and the impact these choices have on their world.
The educational steps that children take during the kindergarten years form the essential building blocks for their future learning.